Pongo and perdita brother and sister
Pongo and perdita brother and sister

pongo and perdita brother and sister

Freckles - Male pup that is frequently seen perched upon his father's head.Penny was scheduled to appear in the animated TV series as a major character (Dainty Penny, along with Patch), but she was later dropped.

Pongo and perdita brother and sister Patch#

Some sources state, she and Patch are never apart, so it's speculated that Penny could be the "animated" form of Cadpig. Penny has very small spots all over her body, including her ears.

  • Penny - Female puppy that appears only once, sitting quietly at her father's feet.
  • Rolly - A plump pup whom always expresses when he's hungry.
  • Lucky - He, however, inherites the character traits of Cadpig from the novel.
  • He is the most verbal pup in the animated films.
  • Patch - A noisy and rowdy pup, often seen chewing on the carpet.
  • In the animated adaptation of the book, Pongo and Perdita were the parents of the fifteen puppies. It is never confirmed that she was one of them, but she lives with the Dearlys, so it's presumed she is. Of the 82 rescued puppies, only Gay is named. It is known that there were eight boys and seven girls in the litter. As the runt of the litter she was dubbed "the cadpig", which is a runty pig, and the name stuck.
  • Cadpig - A female puppy known for her spotted ears and small stature.
  • Lucky - A male pup who seems to be the ring leader amongst his siblings.
  • pongo and perdita brother and sister

    He is considerably the largest of Missis' Litter and has a close connection to Cadpig. Patch - A male pup born with a black patch on his eye (whilst Dalmatians are supposed to be born pure white).Only four of Pongo and Missis' fifteen puppies are named:

    pongo and perdita brother and sister

    In the original book and its sequel The Starlight Barking, Pongo, Missis, Perdita and Prince are the four eldest Dalmatians.

    Pongo and perdita brother and sister